Full-service commercial solar solutions
Excite Energy’s team of electrical engineers and certified solar installers has installed solar for over 1000 projects in California and has received 100+ 5-star reviews since 2014.

California Licensed Professional Engineering | C-10 Contractor | Lic 1018541
Some of Our Commercial Solar Clients

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Industries We Serve
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Country Clubs
- Medical/Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Churches + Nonprofits
- Office
- Grocery + Retail
- Private Schools
- Public Schools (DSA)
- Government / Public Works

We Built the Complete Guide to California Title 24 Solar and Battery Requirements
We install commercial solar on roofs, carports, and ground mounts.

Excite Energy Only Uses Tier 1 Commercial Solar Products
There are hundreds of photovoltaic (PV) manufacturers with varying degrees of financial stability, and with solar equipment warranties ranging from 10 to 25 years. In other words, not all manufacturers stay in business long enough to honor their warranties. At Excite Energy, for commercial solar projects we only use brands from large, well-diversified companies, who have a proven track record of manufacturing quality products. Financial stability is critical to ensuring they will be around to support their warranties.
Bloomberg developed a tiering system to rate PV products based on their bankability. All of the products we sell are manufactured by companies on the Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BloombergNEF) Tier I list. What the list doesn’t measure or ensure is quality — and our extensive firsthand experience installing these products fills that gap. We only use brands and products from large, well-diversified companies, with a proven track record of manufacturing quality products.
Our favorite commercial solar panel manufacturer is Hanwha Q-Cells, who is estimated to have more than 30% market share in the United States in commercial and residential solar installations. They are also investing heavily in their facility in Georgia. While we can’t guarantee the country of origin for the solar panels we receive, a greater share is originating from Georgia, and that will continue with the $2.5 billion they are investing to expand the facility.
Our favorite commercial inverter manufacturers include SMA, Chint Power Systems, and SolarEdge — all are global powerhouses in the solar industry. Yotta Energy is a new addition to our favorites list, and they provide a novel approach to meeting Title 24 requirements.
Connect with one of our commercial solar experts to discuss your project.